Girl inspires family to get on fitness track

A program designed by the Weight Management Center at the School of Medicine and the YMCA of Chesterfield has helped the Garcia family from Chesterfield lose roughly 105 pounds. The Family Lifestyle Intervention Program (FLIP) is designed to show families how to get healthy together through supervised exercise, counseling and education.

Saudi health-care execs study management

Photo by Robert BostonParticipants in the School of Medicine’s Executive master in health administration program play the “Red Bead Game.”The two-year executive master in health administration program was created specifically for 18 participants from the Riyadh-based King Fahad Medical City.

Founder Events and Speciation: Mayr’s Most Misrepresented and Misunderstood Legacy to Speciation Theory

An evolutionary and population biologist at Washington University in St. Louis says that Ernst Mayr’s theory of genetic revolution has been illustrated nicely in recent years in human genetic epidemiology and population biology studies. Alan R. Templeton, Ph.D., Washington University professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, said that there is an extensive documentation of genetic interaction over the past few years including his own genetic epidemiology studies of coronary artery disease (CAD).
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