Scientists use PET scans to monitor lung inflammation noninvasively

In this PET image, the arrow shows inflammation of the lungs.A noninvasive approach for assessing lung inflammation should accelerate efforts to develop drugs for inflammatory lung conditions like cystic fibrosis and pneumonia, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis report. Researchers have used positron emission tomography (PET) scans to monitor artificially induced inflammation in the lungs of healthy volunteers. The new imaging process may help doctors monitor the conditions of patients with inflammatory lung diseases and should make it easier for investigators to test potential anti-inflammatory drugs.

Wall of tiles designed to help cancer patients heal

Tiles painted by cancer patients and their familiesPatients undergoing treatment at the Siteman Cancer Center have a new option to pass the time. They can get creative and paint ceramic tiles for a display in the treatment area. Arts as Healing, a program facilitated by the School of Medicine’s Medical Photography, Illustration and Computer Graphics (MedPIC) department, is currently working on “Your Square Matters,” which allows patients and their families to paint a 4-inch square ceramic tile. Already, more than 400 tiles have been completed and are on display in Siteman’s infusion center.

Mental health expert creates first research model to study high rate of U.S.-born Latina teen suicide attempts

In recent years, one in five U.S. Latina teens attempted suicide. Though this rate is startlingly higher than their non-Hispanic peers, “efforts to understand the phenomenon have been hampered by a dearth of solid statistics and research,” says Luis H. Zayas, Ph.D., professor of social work at Washington University in St. Louis and an expert on mental health issues in the Latino community. “We have developed a new research model that will help us to understand what is really behind those statistics.” More…

Storch named Siteman professor

Gregory StorchGregory A. Storch, M.D., has been named director of the Division of Infectious Diseases in the Department of Pediatrics and the first Ruth L. Siteman Professor of Pediatrics at the School of Medicine. The new endowed professorship, given by Alvin J. and Ruth Siteman, will support leadership in pediatric infectious diseases.

Wall of tiles designed to help cancer patients heal

Photo by Tim ParkerNelson Flagg and his wife, Rose, work with Vicki Friedman to paint tiles while Nelson is treated at the Siteman Cancer Center.”Your Square Matters” allows patients and their families to paint a 4-inch square ceramic tile; more than 400 tiles have been completed and are on display.

Poor neighborhood conditions triple risk for disabilities

The gray shading shows the areas surveyed for the study.A comparison of residential areas in the St. Louis region reveales that late middle-aged and older African-Americans who live in rundown neighborhoods with poor air and street quality are three times more likely to develop difficulties walking, standing, or lifting than those in cleaner, better-maintained areas.
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