Estrogen pills can benefit women with metastatic breast cancer
For breast cancer survivors, the idea of taking estrogen pills is almost a taboo. In fact, their doctors give them drugs to get rid of the hormone because it can fuel the growth of breast cancer. So these women would probably be surprised by the approach taken by breast cancer physician Matthew Ellis, associate professor of medicine at the School of Medicine — he has demonstrated that estrogen therapy can help control metastatic breast cancer.
Scans show immune cells intercepting parasites
Researchers may have identified one of the body’s earliest responses to a group of parasites that causes illness in developing nations. In a paper published online in Public Library of Science Pathogens, scientists report that they tracked immune cells as they patrolled the second-shallowest layer of the skin in an animal model. Injections of a genetically modified form of the parasite Leishmania major caused the immune cells to turn from their patrols and move to intercept the parasites.
Manary named Helene B. Roberson Professor of Pediatrics
ManaryMark Manary has been named the Helene B. Roberson Professor of Pediatrics at the School of Medicine. “Mark Manary is an outstanding choice for the Helene B. Roberson Professor of Pediatrics,” said Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton. “Dr. Manary has developed innovative approaches to improving the lives of children in Africa. He is a credit to his field and most deserving of this generous honor supported by an endowment gift from Helene B. Roberson.”
Employees reach out to neighbors in Forest Park Southeast
Photo by Robert BostonSome families in the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood will have a brighter holiday thanks to the generosity of School of Medicine employees.
Longer Life Foundation marks 10th anniversary
In its 10 years, the Longer Life Foundation has funded more than 48 research grants, awarding some $2 million to support studies on various topics.
WUSTL program in national spotlight
Washington University is in the spotlight for its pivotal role in the Genomics Education Partnership, a collaborative effort to provide research experience in genomics to undergraduate classrooms across the country.
Brain cooling prevents cell death in mice exposed to anesthesia
New research suggests cooling the brain may prevent the death of nerve cells that has been observed in infant mice exposed to anesthesia.
Danforth Foundation donates $10 million for neurodegenerative research
The Danforth Foundation has granted the Hope Center for Neurological Disorders at the School of Medicine a $10 million endowed gift for research.
Other ailments can affect survival of head and neck cancer
Inaccurate statistics undermine physicians’ ability to give patients a true prognosis, which prevents patients from deciding how best to spend their future time.
Manary named Roberson Professor of Pediatrics
Mark J. Manary, M.D., has been named the Helene B. Roberson Professor of Pediatrics at the School of Medicine.
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