Birds ‘one-up’ humans in ability to see color
Researchers at the School of Medicine have peered deep into the eye of the chicken and found a masterpiece of biological design. They plan follow-up studies that could eventually provide helpful insights for scientists seeking to use stem cell and other techniques to treat the nearly 200 genetic disorders that can cause various forms of blindness.
Halstead testifies on concussion risk in high-school sports
Missouri lawmakers should give serious consideration to a proposed bill requiring medical examinations for high school athletes who suffer a head injury, according to recent testimony by WUSTL sports medicine expert Mark E. Halstead, M.D.
Parents often wait too long to treat children’s asthma symptoms
Parents of young children with asthma often recognize signs that their child is about to have an asthma attack but delay home treatment until the attack occurs, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found.
Andriole named Royce professor in urologic surgery
Gerald L. Andriole Jr. has been named the inaugural Robert Killian Royce Distinguished Professor in Urologic Surgery at the School of Medicine.
Researchers discover new way to kill pediatric brain tumors
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have shown once again that “ready, fire, aim,” nonsensical though it may sound, can be an essential approach to research.
Infection-fighting antibodies made in plants as effective as costlier conventional version
The first head-to-head comparison of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies produced from plants versus the same antibodies produced from mammalian cells has shown that plant-produced antibodies can fight infection equally well. Scientists conducted the comparison as a test of the potential for treating disease in developing nations with the significantly less expensive plant-based production technique.
Scientists find ideal target for malaria therapy
Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a protein made by the malaria parasite that is essential to its ability to take over human red blood cells. “Without this protein … the infectious process stops,” says Dan Goldberg, M.D.
Flu vaccination rate at BJC HealthCare rises dramatically due to mandatory policy
Making flu shots mandatory in 2008 dramatically increased the vaccination rate among St. Louis-based BJC HealthCare’s nearly 26,000 employees to more than 98 percent, according to a study led by the School of Medicine and now online in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Petite produce
Tiny pumpkins and other produce are part of the Sixth Annual School of Medicine Student, Faculty and Staff Art Show at the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center.
Gene variation makes alcoholism less likely in some survivors of sexual abuse
Exposure to severe stress early in life increases the risk of alcohol and drug addiction. Yet surprisingly, some adults sexually abused as children — and therefore at high risk for alcohol problems — carry gene variants that protect them from heavy drinking and its effects, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
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