Announcing Washington University’s Spring 2014 Assembly Series

The Washington University in St. Louis Assembly Series turned 60 in 2013, and to mark such an august occasion, it’s fitting to remember why the lecture series was conceived in the first place. The Assembly Series launched during the institution’s centennial celebration in 1953 as a way to involve the broader St. Louis community in the robust intellectual life on campus.

On Feb. 6, Laura Svetkey, MD, professor of medicine at Duke University, will give the inaugural speech in the Women Leaders in Public Health Career Lecture Series at Washington University. The goal of the series, sponsored by the University’s Institute for Public Health, is to offer broad perspectives from female leaders about their careers in diverse fields related to public health.

Svetkey kicks off new lecture series on female leaders in public health

WUSTL’s Institute for Public Health is launching a new series of talks: the Women Leaders in Public Health Career Lecture Series. Laura Svetkey, MD, professor of medicine at Duke University, will give the inaugural speech Feb. 6. The series’ goal is to offer broad perspectives from female leaders about their careers in diverse fields related to public health.
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