Daughter donates kidney to her ailing father

When Andrea D’Angelo learned that her father, John D’Angelo, needed a new kidney, she decided she would donate one of hers. The surgeries were performed by Washington University transplant surgeons at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and were successful. Now, the family shares its story to educate and encourage others.

Students win Breast Cancer Startup Challenge

An interdisciplinary group of graduate students including Washington University’s (from left) Anurag Agarwal, Whitney Grither and Hirak Biswas was one of 10 winning teams in the Breast Cancer Startup Challenge. The international competition aimed to bring breast cancer discoveries out of the lab and closer to market to help patients.

Facilities services consolidated in Olin Hall

Several offices in facilities management at the School of Medicine are consolidating services and business operations beginning May 5. They will be located on the first floor of Olin Residence Hall. Custodial services, facilities engineering and parking and transportation will merge in the newly named Facilities Integrated Service Center (FISC).
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