Medical School brown-bag lunch WUSTLnomics forum May 27

All School of Medicine faculty and staff are invited to a brown-bag lunch WUSTLnomics forum on the university’s efficiency efforts. It will be held from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 27, in Moore Auditorium, on the North Building’s first floor.

​IDEA Labs teams unveil medical innovations​​​​​

Interdisciplinary student teams presented innovations designed to solve problems in health care at IDEA Labs’ Demo Day last month. Engineering student Matthew Burkhardt (seated) won a summer internship through the university’s Skandalaris Center to continue developing his team’s invention. His teammates are (from left) Yuni Teh, Katrina Leyden, Adina Stoica and Elizabeth Rosenberg.​

Commencement 2014 event speakers announced

More than a dozen distinguished individuals will speak at Commencement-related events later this month for graduates and their friends and families. The weeklong celebration culminates at 8:30 a.m. Friday, May 16, with WUSTL’s 153rd Commencement ceremony in Brookings Quadrangle.​​
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