Duncan/Boyle intersection closed; detour to Newstead or Taylor

The intersection of Duncan and Boyle avenues closed Sept. 15 for the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) project to upgrade the Duncan Avenue storm sewer. The closure has resulted in a number of employees using the CORTEX parking lot as a detour, even though the lot has not been designated as one. Employees are encouraged to use Newstead or Taylor avenues instead of Boyle Avenue and the CORTEX lot to access parking garages and lots.

Brownson wins cancer prevention grant

Ross C. Brownson, PhD, professor at the Brown School and at the School of Medicine, has been awarded a $365,600 grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute for his project “A Cross-country Comparison of Evidence-based Prevention of Cancer.”

VanDussen receives grant for Crohn’s disease research

Kelli VanDussen, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher in the (Thaddeus) Stappenbeck Lab, has received a three-year, $174,750 grant from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America for research titled “Defining The Basis of Epithelial Defects in Crohn’s Disease Patients.”
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