Bear Cub Challenge faculty awardees announced
Following a four-month rigorous training and selection process among 46 exceptional applications to the Bear Cub Challenge at Washington University in St. Louis, grants have been awarded to the top applicants.
Study finds 1.2 percent of preschoolers on Medicaid use psychotropic drugs
A new study finds that that 1.2 percent of American preschool children on Medicaid are using psychotropic drugs, including antidepressants, mood stabilizers and medications for attention-deficit disorder. Using 2000-2003 Medicaid Analytic Extract data from 36 states, a group of researchers at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis and at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found preschoolers are receiving psychotropic medications despite limited evidence supporting safety or efficacy.
Researcher Burgers receives $2M NIH grant for DNA research
Peter M. Burgers, PhD, the Marvin A. Brennecke Professor of Biological Chemistry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has received a four-year, $2.04 million grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for research titled “Enzymology of Replication of Yeast Chromosomal DNA.”
Corbo receives research grants
Joseph Corbo, PhD, MD, of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, received research grants from the McDonnell Center for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology and from the Washington University Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center.
New Ebola study points to potential drug target
Opening the door for potential treatments for the deadly Ebola virus, scientists at Washington University and elsewhere have found that a way to kill the virus by interfering with its replication.
Medical Campus students perform 10th annual musical April 16-18
Students on the Medical Campus will present their 10th annual musical, “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” at 8 p.m April 16, 17 and 18 in the Olin Residence Hall Gym on the Medical Campus.
McCaskill holds roundtable discussion on aging at Washington University
As part of her series of Senior Listening Sessions across Missouri, Sen. Claire McCaskill held a roundtable discussion with experts on retirement security, elder justice and healthy aging March 31 at the Brown School’s Goldfarb Hall. Among the roundtable participants were seven from Washington University in St. Louis.
School of Medicine faculty educate, entertain on ‘Science Friday’
Beatriz Carreno, PhD, was featured Friday, April 3, on the syndicated radio show “Science Friday,” where she talked about School of Medicine research involving personalized melanoma vaccines. Carreno is the fourth faculty member in recent months to appear on the show.
Feibel named director of Center for History of Medicine
Robert M. Feibel, MD, has been named director of the Center for History Of Medicine of Washington University. The center is housed in the Bernard Becker Medical Library at the School of Medicine.
Study suggests ways to simplify health insurance enrollment
While the federal health-care law has reduced the number of uninsured people by about 10 million, challenges remain, including how to educate new enrollees about their coverage options. New research at Washington University shows that communicating information about the Affordable Care Act can be made simple.
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