Uncoupling sex and intimacy

A recent article by Laura Rosenbury, JD, professor of law, examines laws governing child custody, sex toys and off-hours affairs. All are the result of legal rulings from a Supreme Court decision once expected to broaden sexual rights, Rosenbury writes in the article “Sex In and Out of Intimacy,” published in July in the Emory Law Journal.

WUSTL law dean to oversee $20 billion BP Gulf fund

Kent D. Syverud JD, dean of the Washington University in St. Louis School of Law and the Ethan A. H. Shepley University Professor, has been named an independent trustee of the $20 billion BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Trust. He is one of two appointees who will oversee the newly established trust designed to settle claims against BP resulting from the Deepwater Horizon explosion April 20.
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