WashU Expert: Attorney-client privilege explained

WashU Expert: Attorney-client privilege explained

The recent search of the office, home and hotel of Michael Cohen, lawyer to President Donald Trump, is a pivotal event when it comes to issues of attorney-client privilege and client confidentiality, says Peter Joy, professor at the School of Law and an expert on criminal law.
WashU Expert: Porn star payment raises ethics concerns

WashU Expert: Porn star payment raises ethics concerns

President Donald Trump’s lawyer claims that he personally sent $130,000 to porn star Stephanie Clifford, who states that she had an affair with Trump prior to his election. The lawyer, Michael Cohen, claims the payment was legal, but was it ethical? Washington University in St. Louis legal ethics expert Peter Joy weighs in.
WashU Expert: Budget provides insight into Trump Administration drug policy

WashU Expert: Budget provides insight into Trump Administration drug policy

During his first year in office, President Donald Trump spoke about high drug prices but took little action to address the problem. His budget proposal, released this week, does lay out a strategy — though what is most notable is not what’s included, but rather what is missing. Rachel Sachs, an expert on drug pricing and policy at Washington University in St. Louis, weighs in.
WashU Expert: What constitutes treason?

WashU Expert: What constitutes treason?

President Donald Trump has accused congressional Democrats who didn’t applaud his State of the Union address of treason. That accusation has no basis in law, and it reflects a deeply disturbing political philosophy, says an expert on constitutional law at Washington University in St. Louis.
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