Shimon Attie named 2016-17 Freund Teaching Fellow

Shimon Attie named 2016-17 Freund Teaching Fellow

Shimon Attie, who has earned an international reputation for exploring themes of place, memory and communal trauma, will serve as the 2016-17 Henry L. and Natalie E. Freund Teaching Fellow. The fellowship, which is jointly organized by the Saint Louis Art Museum and Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis, consists of two monthlong residencies, during which recipients lead studios in the Sam Fox School while preparing an exhibition for the museum’s Currents series.
Election 2016 from Washington University’s view

Election 2016 from Washington University’s view

At a transformative moment in our nation’s history, when America’s “Brexit vote” came to pass, where better than Washington University to bring together the thought leaders and experts from disparate fields covering the littered landscape that was, is and forever will be Election 2016?
Debate Diary

Debate Diary

More than 65 million people tuned in to the Oct. 9 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Watching at home, it can be hard to appreciate the scale of the endeavor, but a group of students from the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, working behind the scenes, sought to document the energy and intimacy of life at ground level.
The Ontology of Influence

The Ontology of Influence

More than three dozen alumni of the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts have contributed works to “Ontology of Influence,” an exhibition paying homage to sculptor Ron Leax, the Halsey C. Ives Professor of Art.
Beauty, danger and cake

Beauty, danger and cake

Cakes typically evoke birthday parties and celebrations. But a recent project by Ebony G. Patterson — a 2006 alumna of the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts — transformed the idea of the cake into something entirely more serious.
Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum to expand

Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum to expand

The Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum is a Washington University treasure and one of the oldest teaching museums in the country. Now, to help secure the museum’s future, the William T. Kemper Foundation has pledged $5 million to fund long-range capital needs, including a major expansion.
Political illustrations of the past

Political illustrations of the past

Thousands of photographers, videographers and writers will descend on Washington University in St. Louis Oct. 9 to cover the presidential debate. But in mid-20th-century America, another sort of journalist was part of the media mix — the illustrator. The Douglas B. Dowd Modern Graphic History Library features hundreds of images of politicians, the electoral process and American voters.
Alberti Program introduces kids to power, potential of architecture

Alberti Program introduces kids to power, potential of architecture

Architecture shapes our environment – but studying architecture shapes how we see, understand and interpret the world around us. Over the last 10 years, the Alberti Program in Washington University’s Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts has introduced hundreds of kids, ranging from 8- to 15-years-old, to the power and potential of architecture and design.
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