Report: Robust global financial system necessary for economic growth

Authored by Anjan Thakor, PhD, the John E. Simon Professor of Finance at Olin Business School, “International Financial Markets: A Diverse System is the Key to Commerce” provides a broad overview of the global financial system and how it supports economic growth, facilitates global trade and creates opportunities for companies, entrepreneurs and individuals.

Bear-y Sweet Shoppe opens on South 40 with support of Student Entrepreneurial Program​​​

After a year of planning, the Bear-y Sweet Shoppe opened Jan. 12 on Gregg Walkway on the South 40 at Washington University in St. Louis. The business is supported by the innovative Student Entrepreneurial Program (StEP), which has provided resources and guidance since 1999. The shop is the first StEP business to sell food, use crowdfunding and to be founded exclusively by women.

Shopping for gift cards? Don’t overthink it

When it comes to holiday gift-giving, we all know it’s the thought that counts. But there is such a thing as giving it too much thought, at least when it comes to picking out a gift card, according to Robyn LeBoeuf​, PhD, associate professor of marketing in the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis.
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