The universal language of emotion
An international research team, led by Washington University in St. Louis, studied vocal expressions uttered by people in the United States, Australia, India, Kenya and Singapore, and found that people were better at judging emotions from fellow countrymen.
Twin peeks
A new Olin Business School study suggests maybe there is no one best negotiator; maybe the person you should send into a negotiation depends on whom you’re up against.
Leading with diversity
One proud chapter of Washington University’s history is the founding of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management. Since 1966, the consortium has been driving diversity in business education and corporate leadership across the country.
Shaping a more equal society
Alumni of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management do well by doing good.
The Consortium: Sterling Schoen’s ‘Baby’
Washington University management professor “stuck his neck out” to establish what has become the oldest and biggest business education diversity organization.
WashU Expert: Research shows policy uncertainty can be a buying opportunity
The current volatility of the U.S. stock market is no cause for alarm, but a Washington University in St. Louis expert who helped to create a volatility index knows the difficulty in predicting if a fluctuation like the current one will subside quickly or slowly: “It is hard to time volatility spikes.”
Obituary: Nicholas Dopuch, Olin professor emeritus, 88
Nicholas Dopuch, a transformational figure in the world of accounting research and professor emeritus at Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis, died Sunday, Feb. 4, 2018. He was 88.
Once, twice, six times a grocery shopper
In the first test of detailed consumer-buying habits by categories at more than one chain store selling groceries, a team of business school researchers, led by Washington University in St. Louis, found that shoppers weren’t monogamist or bigamist but rather polygamist in their choice of outlets. In fact, it turns out that grocery categories such as dessert toppings, motor oil, candles and refrigerated ethnic foods were some of the leading products that lure customers to separate stores.
Cutting through the politics of tax reform
As Americans begin to file their last returns under a fading tax system, as President Donald Trump concludes his first State of the Union with a great emphasis on the economy, as the world watches this country undergo tectonic changes, it’s time to cut through the politicking and positioning. Washington University in St. Louis compiled researchers and experts across campus to attempt to put the new tax reform into perspective, plainly speaking.
CEOs didn’t ask for this, but they’ll take it to the bank, shareholders
It’s curious that we heard very little from the C-Suite in the deliberations leading up to the Dec. 22 signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. What makes this curious is that the goal of the act was to increase GDP growth above 3 percent by stimulating corporate investments to increase productivity, but no one seemed to be asking CEOs whether the tax cut would have that effect.
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