H-1B visa restrictions unlikely to impact unemployment rates

H-1B visa restrictions unlikely to impact unemployment rates

President Donald Trump issued a presidential proclamation this week that will suspend most new H-1B and other visas through the end of the year — a move the administration said was to protect jobs for unemployed Americans affected by COVID-19. The industries most reliant on visas to fill open positions, however, have relatively low unemployment rates, according to an Olin Business School expert at Washington University in St. Louis.
Disappearance of sports inflicts pain on entire economy

Disappearance of sports inflicts pain on entire economy

The U.S. sports blackout because of the pandemic has left at least a $12 billion crater in the national economy. And even if stadiums and arenas light up anew soon, they won’t look the same. A sports business expert from the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis doesn’t expect the NBA, NHL and Major League Baseball to welcome fans if/when they return in 2020, for example.
Ways to find business opportunity from crisis

Ways to find business opportunity from crisis

The coronavirus pandemic has shattered and shuttered businesses. As businesses gradually continue to reopen across the United States, three Olin Business School experts at Washington University in St. Louis offer insights into potential opportunities that could help businesses to emerge from the economic storm.
Show compassion in redefining ‘back to work’

Show compassion in redefining ‘back to work’

As areas of the country begin to relax and do away with stay-at-home orders, things will not snap back to normal for all employees and organizations. This may seem obvious, but it has huge ramifications for what employers can and should expect from employees during this time, according to an expert at Washington University in St. Louis.
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