Washington University opens computer science course to Harris-Stowe State University students
A new agreement between Washington University in St. Louis and Harris-Stowe State University (HSSU) will allow HSSU students to complete computer science course work at Washington University at no cost.
Holtzman, Lützeler to receive 2015 faculty achievement awards
David M. Holtzman, a leading expert in researching the underlying mechanisms that lead to Alzheimer’s disease, and Paul Michael Lützeler, an authority on 18th, 19th and 20th century German literature, will receive Washington University in St. Louis’ 2015 faculty achievement awards, Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton announced.
Center on medicine receives grant for public-school outreach
The Center of Regenerative Medicine has received a $4,000 grant from the Society for Developmental Biology to aid in the project titled “Developmental Biology Educational Outreach to St. Louis Public Schools.”
The Sustainability Exchange: Interdisciplinary class tackles real-world problems
This spring, the schools of Engineering & Applied Science, Arts & Sciences and the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis launched “The Sustainability Exchange,” a unique course bringing students from across campus together to work on interdisciplinary teams to tackle real-world challenges in energy, environment and sustainability.
Three engineering faculty receive grants from the Air Force
Three faculty members in the School of Engineering & Applied Science at Washington University in St. Louis have received grants from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research’s Young Investigator Research Program.
Locusts provide insight into brain response to stimuli, senses
By training a type of grasshopper to recognize odors, a team of biomedical engineers at Washington University in St. Louis is learning more about the brain and how it processes information from its senses.
School of Engineering honors eight accomplished alumni
Eight alumni from a variety of backgrounds will receive Alumni Achievement Awards from the School of Engineering & Applied Science of Washington University in St. Louis on Thursday, April 23.
Kevin Hays blows Rubik’s record out of the water
Junior Kevin Hays has set a new record for standard Rubik’s Cubes solved while underwater: eight. Hays beat the previous record of five while sitting in a dunk tank April 19 on the Washington University in St. Louis campus at the annual Thurtene Carnival. The attempt took two minutes and five seconds.
Graduate students recognize faculty mentors
Erin McGlothlin, PhD (right), associate professor of German and of Jewish studies in Arts & Sciences, was among eight faculty to receive an Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award. She is pictured with one of her graduate students who nominated her for the award, Ervin Malakaj, a PhD candidate in German.
Marshall receives grants, named visiting professor in Italy
Garland Marshall, PhD, professor of biochemistry and molecular biophysics and of biomedical engineering, has received a $50,000 grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for research titled “Discovery of New Therapeutics for Drug-Free Remission of HIV,” among other achievements.
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