School of Engineering announces 2013 distinguished alumni
The School of Engineering & Applied Science celebrated five of its top alumni during the 2013 Alumni Achievement Awards dinner April 18 at the Coronado Ballroom in St. Louis. The school presented four Alumni Achievement Awards, one Young Alumni Award and the Dean’s Award.
Hatchery course helps fuel student start-up companies
St. Louis is becoming widely recognized as a hub for
entrepreneurship, and WUSTL students are
taking advantage of the close proximity to great resources by starting
their own business ventures — with the help of a groundbreaking class. The Hatchery,
offered by Olin Business School but open to all university undergraduate
students, is one of the university’s capstone entrepreneurship courses. Here, students hold the Olin Cup, the top prize in the top commercial entrepreneurship competition on campus.
‘Be a sponge’ and other advice to help students succeed at summer internships
As students begin to leave campus for the summer, many will head off to internships, hoping to add to their classroom experiences and enhance their future opportunities by immersing themselves in the real world of work. But to get the most out of the experience, it’s imperative that they have a clear plan.
Alvarez-Cohen to deliver Ninth Annual Ryckman Lecture
Lisa Alvarez-Cohen, PhD, a professor of environmental engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, will give the Ninth Annual Ryckman Lecture at 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 19. Alvarez-Cohen, the Fred and Claire Sauer Professor and past chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley, will speak on “From Individuals to Community: […]
Two environmental activists to give sustainability lecture April 10
Two prominent environmental thinkers and activists will address climate change, biodiversity and pollution during a lecture at 7 p.m. April 10 in Whitaker Hall Auditorium at Washington University in St. Louis. The lecture titled “To Hell in a Handbasket?: The Global Environment and Sustainability” is free and open to the public. The primary sponsors are University College — the adult, evening and continuing education division in Arts & Sciences — and the International Affairs program in University College.
WUSTL wins 2013 Rube Goldberg Machine Contest College Nationals
A team of four WUSTL students, including sophmores, Grace Kuo and Amy Patterson, shown to left accepting a trophy, won the College Nationals in the Rube Goldberg Machine Contest on March 30. Click here for a video of a rolling ball bearing setting off a chain reaction in “Rube Goldberg’s office” that eventually drop a hammer on a nail–the assigned task.
Trustees grant faculty promotions, tenure
At recent Board of Trustees meetings, many faculty members were appointed with tenure, promoted with tenure or granted tenure. Read more to see who they are.
WUSTL engineer helping unravel mystery of traumatic brain injury
The American Academy of Neurology issued new guidelines last week for assessing school-aged athletes with head injuries on the field. The message: if in doubt, sit out. With more than 3 million sports-related concussions occurring in the U.S. each year, from school children to professional athletes, the issue is a burgeoning health crisis.
University’s Commitment to Action brings $30 million to advance sustainability
As part of its Clinton Global Initiative University
efforts, Washington University in St. Louis has announced a major
institutional commitment to action around the important issue of
Engineering breakthrough may answer host of medical questions
In an engineering breakthrough, a Washington
University in St. Louis biomedical researcher has discovered a way to
use light and color to measure oxygen in individual red blood cells in
real time. The technology, developed by Lihong Wang, PhD, the
Gene K. Beare Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, could
eventually be used to determine how oxygen is delivered to normal and
diseased tissues or how various disease therapies impact oxygen delivery
throughout the body.
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