Interdisciplinary efforts on economic fragility spark new book, May 28 policy discussion in D.C.

In an effort to study causes and find solutions, Washington University in St. Louis faculty from across disciplines are examining economic insecurity through the university’s Livable Lives Initiative. One of the products of this interdisciplinary collaboration is a new book, “Working and Living in the Shadow of Economic Fragility.”

Commencement 2014 event speakers announced

More than a dozen distinguished individuals will speak at Commencement-related events later this month for graduates and their friends and families. The weeklong celebration culminates at 8:30 a.m. Friday, May 16, with WUSTL’s 153rd Commencement ceremony in Brookings Quadrangle.​​

For the Sake of All Community Conference May 30

Chanelle Hardy, JD, a senior executive with the National Urban League, will be keynote speaker at the For the Sake of All Community Conference that begins at 8 a.m. Friday, May 30, at the Missouri History Museum. At the conference — the culmination of a yearlong, groundbreaking study of African-American health and well-being in the St. Louis region — researchers will issue a final report along with policy recommendations for the region. The conference is free and open to the public, but seating is limited, and registration is required.

Research Without Walls

The Brown School’s third annual Research Without Walls student symposium was held April 22 in the hallways of Brown and Goldfarb halls on the Danforth Campus, with students such as Jaclyne Smith presenting projects and research worked on throughout the academic year.

Aging expert Stone to deliver annual Friedman Lecture May 8

Robyn I. Stone, PhD, noted researcher and leading international authority on aging and long-term care policy, will deliver the annual Friedman Lecture Thursday, May 8, in Brown Hall on the Danforth Campus of Washington University in St. Louis. A panel discussion will follow. The event will take place from 8:30 a.m. to noon and is free and open to the public. For details and to register, visit here.

New study examines disparities in Medicaid spending on children in the welfare system

In the new health-care climate of the Affordable Care Act and efforts to expand Medicaid to accommodate more individuals and children, the need to closely examine ways to best use government funding is becoming increasingly evident. A new study from the Brown School examines racial and ethnic differences in Medicaid expenditures for children in the welfare system who use psychotropic drugs.

Triple play

Three beloved longtime Brown School faculty — representing 102 years of scholarship, research and collaboration — were elevated to new positions within the faculty April 2 during an installation ceremony in Brown Lounge.

Pow Wow 2014: The benefits of education

Participants in the 24th annual Pow Wow at Washington University in St. Louis take part in the Grand Entry in the Field House April 5. The annual event, hosted by the Kathryn M. Buder Center for American Indian Studies at the Brown School, offered visitors and participants a full day of dancing, singing, arts, crafts and food.

Brown School honors distinguished alumni

The Brown School bestowed one Distinguished Faculty Award and five Distinguished Alumni Awards during its annual alumni awards celebration dinner March 26 at the Palladium Saint Louis. Among the five, two alumni were selected as outstanding Graduates of the Last Decade.
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