Legislative decision-making can be influenced by testimony

Most state legislators say testimony at legislative hearings is influential, though few report that it changes their votes, finds research from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. “Testimony does matter, especially if it is delivered by credible, trustworthy presenters,” said lead author Sarah Moreland-Russell, PhD, assistant research professor at the Brown School.

Is this the year you join the 1 percent?

Good news for the new year: According to new research by Washington University in St. Louis and Cornell University, there’s a 1-in-9 chance that a typical American will hit the jackpot and join the wealthiest 1 percent for at least one year in her or his working life. The bad news: That same research says only an elite few get to stay in that economic stratosphere – and nonwhite workers remain among those who face far longer odds.

From ‘success to significance’

Thomas and Jennifer Miller Hillman, philanthropists and Washington University alumni, are helping the Brown School create maximum social impact with a major gift to support its programs. In honor of the gift for the Brown School expansion, the new building on the Danforth Campus will be named Hillman Hall.
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