Macias receiving honorary degree from Colgate University

Edward S. Macias, PhD, provost emeritus and the Barbara and David Thomas Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, will receive an honorary degree from his alma mater Colgate University in May.

The jazz singer​​

Amy French, a junior majoring in economics in Arts & Sciences, is a goalkeeper for the Bears varsity team. She is also an accomplished jazz singer, and keeps busy accompanying Provost Holden Thorp, a jazz pianist in his free time, at events around the country.
Math team ranks 16th out of 431 in Putnam Competition

Math team ranks 16th out of 431 in Putnam Competition

The Department of Mathematics has announced that a Washington University team, consisting of junior Anthony Grebe, senior Alan Talmage and sophomore Jongwhan Park, placed 16th out of 431 teams in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematics Competition, the most difficult mathematics competition for undergraduates in the country. Washington University teams also took first and second place in the Missouri Collegiate Mathematics Competition.​

Biologist Dixit receives $1M NIH grant

Ram V. Dixit, PhD, assistant professor of biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, has received a four-year, $1.17 million grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for research titled “Mechanisms for the Function and Regulation of Katanin.”
Whiffenpoofs? Yes, Whiffenpoofs

Whiffenpoofs? Yes, Whiffenpoofs

On a frosty winter’s night in 1909, five members of the Yale Glee Club convened at Mory’s Temple Bar to escape the New Haven cold. Thus was born the world’s oldest and best-known collegiate a cappella group. On Monday, April 27, the Whiffenpoofs will descend on Washington University in St. Louis for a puckish evening of traditional and popular song.
Remembering Harold Blumenfeld

Remembering Harold Blumenfeld

The Department of Music in Arts & Sciences will honor professor emeritus Harold Blumenfeld, who died last fall at he age of 91, with a Memorial Concert in Graham Chapel April 19. The performance will feature Blumenfeld’s settings of poems by Rainer Maria Rilke and Arthur Rimbaud as well as works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Paul Hindemith and Franz Schubert.

Washington People: Odis Johnson

Odis Johnson, PhD, joined the Department of Education in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis this semester. Here, he talks about the future of education research and policy, and how education, race and urban policy intersect.

Research as art​​

An inaugural exhibit of images by scientists, titled “Research as Art,” held April 3, included eerie landscapes created by vortices in superfluids, smeared false-color data from satellite-borne instruments, three-dimensional images of grains that exploded out of supernovas and many more enigmatic and colorful images.
The ghosts of old technology

The ghosts of old technology

The method is strange at first, disconcerting, but new rules and rhythms are quickly internalized. Soon the machines seem almost to speak. In “Telegraph,” recent alumnus Will Jacobs — winner of the 2014 A.E. Hotchner Playwriting Competition at Washington University in St. Louis — explores the wonder and shortcomings of communication technology.
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