Composing a city

Composing a city

Over his career, alumnus Michael Castro has published 10 collections of poetry. His poems exhibit a keen ear and a fearless eye, which may be why he was selected to be St. Louis’ first poet laureate.
The geography of Antarctica’s underside

The geography of Antarctica’s underside

Scientists were able to deploy ruggidized seismometers that could withstand intense cold in Antarctica only recently. A line of seismometers strung across the West Antarctic Rift Valley and the Marie Byrd Land have given geologists their first good look at the mantle beneath the ice and rocks, revealing areas of hot rock that might affect the behavior of the overlying ice sheet.
Smelling DNA

Smelling DNA

What do you do if you are trying to save a very rare and shy animal? How do you even find them? Anthropologist Joseph Orkin, PhD ’14, called in Pinkerton. No, not the detective agency, the dog.

Mossotti, Ward-Brown win Regional Arts Commission Artist Fellowships

Denise Ward-Brown, associate professor in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis, and poet Travis Mossotti, a grant analyst in the university’s Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, are among 10 recipients of the Regional Arts Commission’s 2015 Artist Fellowships.
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