WashU Expert: The nuclear football

WashU Expert: The nuclear football

It is the ultimate symbol of public trust. Accompanying the president, at virtually all times, is a military aid with a large black satchel known as the “nuclear football.” But for all its prominence in the popular imagination, the football does not contain some sort of “nuclear button” that might allow a president to single-handedly initiate nuclear launch, says Krister Knapp, senior lecturer in history in Arts & Sciences.
A Q&A with Bill T. Jones

A Q&A with Bill T. Jones

World-renowned choreographer Bill T. Jones will receive Washington University’s 2016-17 International Humanities Prize Sept. 29. In this Q&A, Joanna Dee Das, assistant professor of dance, talks with Jones about his career, his choreographic process and his latest works.
Video: Where and when does America begin?

Video: Where and when does America begin?

In 1630, John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, proclaimed to fellow Puritan settlers that “we shall be as a city upon a hill.” In this video, Abram Van Engen examines the surprising history of Winthrop’s striking image and its subsequent adoption by presidents John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.
When lava erupted in the Midwest

When lava erupted in the Midwest

A billion years ago, the core of what was to become North America nearly ripped apart, creating a huge branched scar that extends from the tip of Lake Superior deep into the Midwest. Washington University in St. Louis scientists are using data from seismometers they placed across and along the rift to take a good hard look.
Roediger receives lifetime achievement award

Roediger receives lifetime achievement award

Henry L. “Roddy” Roediger III, an internationally recognized scholar of human memory and the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor in Arts & Sciences, has received the the 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science.
NSF announces new Science and Technology Center

NSF announces new Science and Technology Center

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has added a newly formed collaboration between Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Pennsylvania to its list of Science and Technology Centers (STC). The new center, one of just 12 nationally, will be supported by a $23.6 million NSF grant to study the mechanics of plant and animal cells. This deeper dive into how single cells function could transform both medicine and plant science.
McLeod Writing Prize winners named

McLeod Writing Prize winners named

The winners of the annual Dean James E. McLeod Writing Prize are Adon Wade-Currie and Olivia Crow, who shared first prize, and Emily Wyland, who received an honorable mention, announced Jennifer Smith, dean of the College of Arts & Sciences.
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