Planetary smackdown

Planetary smackdown

The leading theory for the moon’s formation got in trouble recently when it was revealed that the moon and Earth are isotopic twins. Now highly precise measurements of the isotopes of an element that was still condensed at the “cut off” temperature when material started to fall back to Earth suggest a dramatic solution to the problem.
True grit

True grit

Amelia Boone, AB ’06, is something of a superhero. By day, the 32-year-old works as a corporate lawyer for Apple in San Jose, California. But in her free time, she is an obstacle-course racing icon.
From campus news to the halls of power

From campus news to the halls of power

Laura Meckler fell in love with journalism while an undergraduate and wrote for Student Life at Washington University. Now a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Meckler has covered some of the country’s most controversial stories, including the current presidential election.
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