‘Reformation/Revolution’ concert Nov. 19

‘Reformation/Revolution’ concert Nov. 19

The Washington University Choirs will mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with a free concert featuring music from the Reformation era alongside songs drawn from more recent protest movements, such as the fights for women’s suffrage and African-American civil rights.
Art, war and good intentions

Art, war and good intentions

Can art be separated from its cultural context? In “Kiss,” Chilean playwright Guillermo Calderon explores the power, empathy and sometimes difficult responsibilities of live theater. The Performing Arts Department in Arts & Sciences will present Calderon’s funny yet searing drama Nov. 16-19.
Wysession authors schoolkids’ new science programs

Wysession authors schoolkids’ new science programs

As a lead co-author of the K-12 Next Generation Science Standards being adopted by more than three-quarters of U.S. schools, Michael Wysession, professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences, is presenting an innovative “Elevate Science” instructional program published in October through Pearson Education.
Allen honored for lifetime achievement

Allen honored for lifetime achievement

Garland E. Allen, professor emeritus of biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, will receive the History of Science Society’s 2017 Sarton Medal for lifetime scholarly achievement Nov. 10 at the society’s annual meeting in Toronto.
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