Lots of water in the world’s most explosive volcano
Michael Krawczynski, assistant professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, and graduate student Andrea Goltz investigate the deep, inner workings of Shiveluch, a volcano on a remote peninsula in northeastern Russia.
Lessons and cautions from 1965 to fight white supremacy
David Cunningham, chair of sociology at Washington University in St. Louis, says Biden’s administration can and should make every effort to defeat the rise of political extremism and white supremacy, but should also be aware of unintended consequences.
The first 100 Biden/Harris days
Faculty experts from across Washington University in St. Louis draw upon their research, their instruction, their experience and their thought leadership to proffer insight and ideas for the new administration, the new beginning.
Biden energy plan is aggressive, but much can be done
Geophysicist Michael Wysession, professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, teaches a popular undergraduate course called “Energy and the Environment.” He breaks down President-elect Joe Biden’s 9-point Energy Plan, point-by-point.
Gibson recognized by Academy of Science of South Africa
James L. Gibson, who has studied and written extensively about the evolution of South Africa’s democracy in the post-apartheid era, has been elected to the Academy of Science of South Africa as an honorary foreign associate.
Center for the Humanities faculty fellows named
The Center for the Humanities in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis recently announced its 2021-22 cohort of faculty fellows. Faculty fellows spend a semester in residence at the center, giving them space and time to make great progress on their research and book projects.
Put a flake on it: A new way to add electrical charge
Gaining control of the flow of electrical current through atomically thin materials is important to potential future applications in photovoltaics or computing. Physicists in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis have discovered one way to locally add electrical charge to a graphene device.
NASA selects astrophysics mission to detect ultrahigh-energy neutrinos
Physicists in Arts & Sciences, including Brian Rauch, are part of a team funded by NASA to develop the concept for the most sensitive survey of cosmic ultra-high energy neutrinos ever conducted.
Is compromise possible in a split Senate?
While there are no formal rules about how the Senate should function in the event of an even split, there is a template, says an expert on congressional politics at Washington University in St. Louis.
Orange is the new ‘block’
New research from Washington University in St. Louis reveals the core structure of the light-harvesting antenna of cyanobacteria — including features that both collect energy and block excess light absorption. Orange carotenoid protein plays a key protective role, according to Haijun Liu, research scientist in chemistry in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.
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