Greenbaum has on numerous occasions testified before Congressional committees, as well as other legislative bodies. He has published two books and more than 75 articles in academic journals and other professional media. He is founding editor of the Journal of Financial Intermediation and has served on the editorial boards of eleven other academic journals.

Stuart Greenbaum
Bank of America Professor Emeritus of Managerial Leadership
Contact Information
- Phone: 314-935-6397
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In the media
“Debt Ceiling” May Become A Political Buzzword This Summer
Stuart Greenbaum, the Bank of America Professor Emeritus of Managerial Leadership
Bank of America risks reputational capital with debit card fees
Bank of America’s plan to begin charging customers $5 a month for using its debit card has been met with resistance from citizens and members of Congress alike. In fact, there is some reputational capitol at risk as a result of this kind of charge, says a banking expert at Washington University in St. Louis.
Low probability disaster scenarios deserve more attention
Hazards with horrific outcomes — like the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan — are not only difficult to contemplate but are also challenging to plan for financially. Especially when the odds of them happening are incredibly low, says Stuart I. Greenbaum, management expert at Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis.
Expert available to discuss possible economic stimulus package
Stuart GreenbaumFormer dean of the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis, Stuart Greenbaum, is available for comment on the wisdom behind the stimulus package proposals under consideration in Congress. Greenbaum is skeptical that a stimulus package will be effective and proposes several other strategies that could improve the economy.
No need to hit panic button; subprime mess isn’t all bad
The stock market might be nervous due to the subprime loan mess, but Stuart Greenbaum, Ph.D., former dean and Bank of America Professor Emeritus of Managerial Leadership for the Olin Business School, is bullish on the situation. Despite the circumstances, this is not a time to panic, says Greenbaum.
No need to hit panic button; subprime mess isn’t all bad
The stock market might be nervous now due to the subprime loan mess, but Stuart Greenbaum, former dean of the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis, is bullish on the situation.
Subprime mess isn’t all bad; situation also offers opportunities
Banks with sound portfolios will be fine, says a WUSTL expert.The stock market might be nervous now due to the subprime loan mess, but Stuart Greenbaum, former dean of the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis, is bullish on the situation.
What happens in the boardroom doesn’t stay in the boardroom
Corporate governance has been in the forefront of public debate lately, thanks to such high-profile events as options backdating, the awarding of inflated CEO compensation packages and efforts to augment shareholder empowerment. These larger scandals have implications that reach beyond the boardroom into every aspect of an enterprise. Ultimately, the transgressions take their toll on all of society, according to Stuart Greenbaum, former dean of the business school at Washington University in St. Louis.
Olin School of Business media alert
GreenbaumStuart Greenbaum, dean of the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis, will deliver his annual State of the School address at the Olin School’s Century Club Speaker series on Thursday, May 12 at 8 a.m.
Hances establish professorship in business
Beverly and James Hance have established a professorship in the John M. Olin School of Business, it was announced by Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton. The gift of $1.2 million will be combined with $300,000 from the University’s Sesquicentennial Endowed Professorship Challenge to create the James and Beverly Hance Professorship in Business.
Conference for corporate board directors, June 25-26 at Olin School of Business
A conference for board directors of public and private companies will be held June 25-26 at Washington University’s John M. Olin School of Business in the school’s Charles F. Knight Executive Education Center. The board of directors’ conference, “Strategies and Techniques for Improving Board Performance,” will focus on corporate governance issues.
Kenneth C. Bardach named associate dean and director of ExecEdge Corporate Education at Olin School of Business
BardachKenneth C. Bardach has been named associate dean and director of ExecEdge Corporate Education at the John M. Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis, announced Stuart I. Greenbaum, dean and Bank of America Professor at the Olin School. Bardach joins Olin from Case Western Reserve, where he served as associate dean of Executive Education Programs at the Weatherhead School of Management. Bardach brings more than 30 years of academic and corporate experience to his post, having twice served in executive education director positions at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, and having directed corporate management education and development programs for numerous organizations.
Forbes Magazine ranks M.B.A. program 12th best in U.S. in ‘return-on-investment’
Forbes Magazine has ranked the M.B.A. program at the University’s Olin School of Business No. 12 among 67 U.S. business schools. The Forbes rankings measure best “return on investment” for M.B.A. graduates of the Class of 1998. For this year’s survey, Forbes sent out 18,000 questionnaires to full-time graduates of M.B.A. programs around the world. With a five-year gain of $120,000 over tuition and foregone salary, the Olin School jumped eight places, from No. 20 in Forbes’ last ranking of M.B.A. programs in 2001.
China’s future business leaders are first to graduate from joint Executive MBA program at Olin School of Business
Students in the inaugural Executive MBA class of a joint program between the John M. Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University School of Management in Shanghai, China, arrived in St. Louis on September 6 for two weeks packed with classes and celebrations. The 70 students from China completed their MBA degrees with a capstone two-week residency at the Washington University business school.
Popular business school professor loses three-year battle with cancer
HilgertRaymond L. Hilgert, D.B.A., Emeritus Professor of Management and Industrial Relations at Washington University’s John M. Olin School of Business, died Saturday, August 23, 2003 at St. Luke’s Hospital after a three-year battle with cancer. He was 73 and lived in Kirkwood. Hilgert, an award-winning teacher, author, labor arbitrator, nationally-recognized media commentator, and business ethicist, taught at the University from 1961 to 2001. In an article published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch upon Professor Hilgert’s retirement from the business school, former students explained the impact he had on their lives and careers. It is reprinted here by permission: “Ray Hilgert Leaves Legacy of Learning at Washington U” (July 22, 2001).
Anjan Thakor is named John E. Simon Professor of Finance at Olin School of Business
ThakorAnjan V. Thakor, Ph.D., has been named the John E. Simon Professor of Finance at the John M. Olin School of Business, it was announced by Olin Dean Stuart Greenbaum. Thakor joins the Olin School from the University of Michigan, where he served as the Edward J. Frey Professor of Banking and Finance from 1996 to 2003 and as the chairman of the finance department from 2000 to 2003.
Olin School of Business Class of 1998 featured in USA Today
Few MBA classes have ever headed into so much oozing opportunity as the Class of ’98. But their education, it seems, was only beginning, and the hard lesson ahead was that five years, or even 18 months, can seem a lifetime. But the Olin School of Business MBA Class of 1998 is a standout. The Olin School class is featured in a special cover story survey in the nation’s largest circulation newspaper, USA Today.