Research suggests COVID-19 affects brain age and IQ score

Lifting the fog on the true causes behind these cognitive impairments, including brain fog, will require years if not decades of concerted efforts by researchers across the globe, writes Ziyad Al-Aly.

‘Tough on immigrants’ is the new ‘tough on crime’ 

Democrats, Republicans and Americans of all stripes need a different ethos — one that recognizes immigrants’ humanity, dignity and legal rights, and that prioritizes America’s best ideals, writes the law school’s Sheldon Evans.

How to manage fertility through cancer treatment

On the latest episode of the “This is Cancer” podcast, delve into the fertility challenges that some patients face, and options they have, during and after treatment for cancer.

‘The science and philosophy of mental health’

Philosopher Anya Plutynski, a faculty fellow in the Center for the Humanities in Arts & Sciences, shares in a Q&A on the “Human Ties” blog about her book in progress, “Making Mental Health.” The book offers a history of the concept of mental health and considers the role of values in science.

Celebrating 20 years of art-inspired contemporary concerts

Composer Christopher Stark, in Arts & Sciences, curated three concerts to mark the anniversary of the “Live at the Pulitzer” series. In this Q&A, he discusses how the music connects to the exhibits at the Pulitzer Arts Foundation and how he blends contemporary works with nostalgic pieces.

Miller publishes new book, ‘Body Language’

Angela Miller, a professor of art history and archaeology in Arts & Sciences, has co-authored the book “Body Language: The Queer Staged Photographs of George Platt Lynes and PaJaMa.”

How emotions influence public attitudes on counterterrorism

Political scientist Carly Wayne, in Arts & Sciences, discusses the role anger plays in public attitudes about counterterrorism. Her latest paper, published in the journal International Organization, sheds light on the complicated dynamics of counterterrorism policy.
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