How to win at online dating using AI

Through the miracle of modern technology, you can simply skip the two hours a day of swiping and messaging. Instead, you can just go on whatever dates your AI sets up for you after flirting and texting, probably with the other person’s AI, writes Liberty Vittert.

How Authenticity and Self-Disclosure Fit Into Psychiatric Care

In these unprecedented times for public health, it is critical that the profession move outside of its comfort zone and allow for its members to fully realize the knowledge and wisdom that has been there all along, writes Hannah Szlyk.

Opinion: The real significance of the Supreme Court’s ‘Chevron deference’ ruling

To the extent that doctrinal rules do make a difference, however, the result of the court’s decision will be that judicial interpretations in regulatory cases will be less insightful, less predictable and more dependent on the preferences of lifetime-appointed federal judges who are in no way accountable to the electorate, writes Ron Levin.

Reimagining Public Health: Mapping A Path Forward

Our recommendations are largely aimed at governmental agencies overseeing public health at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels, but they can apply to other aspects of the system, from the political leaders who oversee these entities to the other governmental and private organizations whose work affects population health, wrote Ross Brownson, along with Jonathan Samet.

‘Finding religion in the Stanley Cup finals’

Cody Musselman, a postdoctoral researcher at the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics, co-writes an article amid the NHL playoffs about how hockey and oil take on almost religious significance in Canada.
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