The Lottery of Getting Into Harvard

While a highly qualified student applying to a dozen very selective universities will in all likelihood be accepted into at least one, the specific university they are admitted to may be the luck of the draw, writes Mark Rank.

‘How organizations can encourage productive allyship’

Hannah Birnbaum, of Olin Business School, co-writes an article about recent research, which found that one reason why more people in advantaged groups don’t engage in allyship is because they underestimate how much their actions will be appreciated.

‘The man and the March’

Paige McGinley, in Arts & Sciences, writes on the “Human Ties” blog about Bayard Rustin’s behind-the-scenes role in organizing the 1963 March on Washington — and the significance of role-playing rehearsals to prepare protesters for what they would face during the Civil Rights Movement.
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