Bruce Manasevit
Bruce Manasevit, AB ’79, and his family partnered with the Be The Match Foundation in 1998 to establish the Amy Strelzer Manasevit Research Program in memory of Bruce’s late wife, Amy. Diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 1993, Amy Strelzer Manasevit succumbed to complications six weeks following a successful bone marrow transplant. Now in its 25th year, the Be The Match Foundation has invested over $15 million in 49 early-career physician-scientists to develop research portfolios and establish their labs. The Amy Strelzer Manasevit Scholars have obtained over $110 million of additional federal funding and discovered novel ways to help patients live longer, healthier lives. Today, the Amy Strelzer Manasevit Research Program fellowship is one of the largest in the field of bone marrow transplantation.
John D. Fanburg
John D. Fanburg, LA79, was named to the Influencers: Power List 2023 by Return on Information, New Jersey, in the area of law. The managing partner of Brach Eichler LLC, Fanburg also is chair of the firm’s health-
care practice.
Myrna Greenfield
Myrna Greenfield, LA77, published Marketing Your Farm: A practical guide to attracting loyal customers and increasing sales (Savvy Press, 2022). Greenfield, who lives in Boston, is the “Top Egg” at Good Egg Marketing, an agency that promotes good food and good causes. Her wife, Michelle Johnson, is a retired journalist.
Sharon Curcio
Sharon Curcio, GB77, attended the world premiere of “Contemplating Fire,” an oratorio based on her lyric play, in Midland, Mich., in October 2022. She collaborated with composer Robert Hart, whose highly percussive score paired with Curcio’s libretto, and both score and libretto were well- received and well-reviewed.
Michael Shindler
Michael Shindler, LW76, is president and CEO of Four Corners Advisors, Inc., a hospitality acquisition, development, strategic advisory and dispute resolution firm that he founded in 2007. He was elected to by-invitation-only membership in the International Society of Hospitality Consultants, the leading source of global hospitality expertise.
Terry J. Martin
Terry J. Martin, UC76, SW77, self-published Bedlam in Paris: The Journey Begins (January 2023). On returning to Paris after a long absence, Doctor Malraux, the book’s main character, is swept up in international corporate espionage.
Steven Rose
Steven Rose, SW75, recently retired and was granted the status of professor emeritus at George Mason University.
Barbara Wallace
Barbara Wallace, LA73, LW76, a former
St. Louis County circuit judge, was named the 2023 Woman of the Year by Missouri Lawyers Media, highlighting the 25th anniversary of the Women’s Justice Awards.
Robert Halle
Robert Halle, LA73, is in his 50th year of film editing. After taking a filmmaking course during his senior year at WashU, he began working in the film industry following graduation. During his career, Halle has edited feature films, TV shows, documentaries, educational films, corporate videos and thousands of commercials. He and his wife live in Baltimore and Jupiter, Fla., and have a daughter, a son and two grandchildren.
Lawrence J. Altman
Lawrence J. Altman, EN73, wrote an article that appeared in RETHINKING Behavior (winter 2023): “Do Public Schools Have Obligations to Students Suffering from the Bystander Effect?” He was a member of a team that recently submitted a proposal for a Project Rural Innovation for Mental Health Enhancement grant to the U.S. Department of Education.