WashU Expert: Manning’s financial legacy

WashU Expert: Manning’s financial legacy

According to Patrick Rishe, a sports business expert at Washington University in St. Louis, Peyton Manning’s true impact on the game of football goes beyond his record wins, Super Bowl victories or passing yard record. It also involves a massive financial footprint.
WashU Expert: Congress should work with Obama to close Gitmo

WashU Expert: Congress should work with Obama to close Gitmo

President Barack Obama this week announced his intention to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The decision to open the facility in the first place was a bad idea in theory, made even worse in practice, said Leila Sadat, professor of law and renowned expert on international criminal law.
WashU Expert: Papal attack plays on longstanding fears of white Protestants

WashU Expert: Papal attack plays on longstanding fears of white Protestants

While it may seem bizarre for an American presidential candidate to describe the comments of a sitting pope as “disgraceful,” Donald Trump’s recent attacks on Pope Francis should come as no surprise from a candidate whose success hinges on playing to the fears of religiously inspired voters, suggests an expert on evangelical politics at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: Getting college students to vote

WashU Expert: Getting college students to vote

Amanda Moore McBride, executive director of the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement at Washington University in St. Louis, says U.S. colleges and universities must do more to encourage students to vote. Yes, voter registration drives and accessible polling places matter. But what happens in the classroom may play an even bigger role.
WashU Expert: Whether or not it passes, South Dakota bill already impacting transgender students

WashU Expert: Whether or not it passes, South Dakota bill already impacting transgender students

South Dakota is poised to become the first state to require transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms of their birth sex. The proposed law is already impacting the health and well-being of transgender Americans and their loved ones, said Vanessa Fabbre, assistant professor at the Brown School and an expert on gender transitions, especially later in life.
WashU Expert: Zubik v. Burwell could be knockout punch to contraceptive mandate

WashU Expert: Zubik v. Burwell could be knockout punch to contraceptive mandate

Zubik v. Burwell, a new challenge to the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act, wants to deliver a knockout punch to the mandate, according to Elizabeth Sepper, associate professor of law and an expert on health law. At stake is whether employees of religiously affiliated organizations such as universities, hospitals and charities, can be stripped of their rights to contraceptive coverage.
WashU Expert: Apple and the expectation of privacy

WashU Expert: Apple and the expectation of privacy

Apple is fiercely opposing a court order to unlock an iPhone used by San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook. The company is taking an important stand on behalf of its users’ privacy, and should be applauded, said Neil Richards, professor of law and privacy law expert.
WashU Expert: No quick fix to shortening gender pay gap

WashU Expert: No quick fix to shortening gender pay gap

President Barack Obama recently announced new rules aimed at encouraging companies to provide salary information by workers’ race, gender and ethnicity. While obtaining good data is a necessary step in helping to shrink the gender pay gap, it will only be a starting point, said Hillary Sale, an expert on corporate governance and women’s leadership.
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