WashU Expert: What about environmental regulations?

During his campaign, President-elect Trump publicly stated that he would cut back the Environmental Protection Agency and also vowed to eliminate other federal regulations in place to protect the environment. Brent Williams, the Raymond R. Tucker Distinguished I-CARES Career Development Associate Professor, shares his views on what would happen should those changes take effect.
WashU Expert: The biggest upset since … 1936?

WashU Expert: The biggest upset since … 1936?

For political prognosticators, the 2016 presidential campaign has emerged as the most egregious “wrong call” since incumbent president Harry S. Truman defeated New York governor Thomas E. Dewey in 1948. But another interesting comparison can be found in the 1936 contest between incumbent Franklin D. Roosevelt and Kansas governor Alf Landon, says presidential historian Peter Kastor.

WashU Expert: It’s all in the brand

Effective campaign branding may have made the winning difference for Donald Trump in this year’s presidential election. Raphael Thomadsen, associate professor of marketing at Olin Business School takes a closer look at how the messaging may have affected the election outcome. The importance of branding: “Branding is a central concept in business. Companies build products […]
WashU Expert: The reality TV election

WashU Expert: The reality TV election

Long before the 2016 presidential campaign, millions of Americans watched Donald Trump play the successful businessman on NBC’s hit reality show “The Apprentice.” Both the exposure and the experience served him well, said Richard Chapman, senior lecturer in film & media studies in Arts & Sciences.

WashU Expert: ‘Long-lasting implications’ for U.S., global economies

Donald Trump’s election as president initially sent global markets reeling. What might we expect from the markets moving forward? John Horn, senior lecturer in economics at Olin Business School breaks it down. Economic Implications: “The election of Donald Trump will have long-lasting implications for the United States and global economy. The election will be significant economically […]
WashU Expert: Lots of filibustering ahead

WashU Expert: Lots of filibustering ahead

With Donald Trump in the White House and Republican majorities in both the House and Senate, Democrats will be looking to use the filibuster and other procedural options to exert as much influence as possible over Supreme Court nominations and other issues on the Trump-Republican agenda, suggests Steven S. Smith, a nationally recognized expert on congressional politics at Washington University in St. Louis.
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