WashU Expert: Cures Act a good start, but is it immediate enough?

WashU Expert: Cures Act a good start, but is it immediate enough?

The 21st Century Cures Act, sweeping mental health legislation passed this week by the U.S. Senate, will provide necessary funding to help those with mental illnesses if signed by President Obama, but should focus more on mental health outcomes of those suffering right now, says a mental health expert at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: Cures Act’s controversy continues

WashU Expert: Cures Act’s controversy continues

The 21st Century Cures Act, the vast bill aimed at bolstering medical research and revamping the way drugs are approved, is a step in the right direction but is far from perfect, says an expert on the health care industry at the School of Law at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: Republican push for REINS Act could backfire, says congressional expert

WashU Expert: Republican push for REINS Act could backfire, says congressional expert

Conservative columnist George Will is encouraging Republicans to have the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act passed through the U.S. Congress and ready for Donald Trump’s signature on his first day in office. While some see the REINS Act as a way for Congress to reassert its power to control the regulatory rulemaking process, an immediate push for its passage could force the first big battle over Democrats’ use of the filibuster and make it more complicated for Republicans to repeal Obamacare, says Steven S. Smith, a congressional expert at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: Expect Trump to gut environmental regulations

WashU Expert: Expect Trump to gut environmental regulations

If a Trump administration follows his campaign rhetoric and advisers, then his most immediate and far-reaching environmental target will be domestic and international efforts to address climate change. Maxine Lipeles, director of the Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic at the Washington University School of Law, offers her thoughts on Trump’s expected policies toward the environment.
WashU Expert: Talking to your kids about election outcome

WashU Expert: Talking to your kids about election outcome

If adults are feeling anxious, depressed or angry about the presidential election results, their children might be feeling the same. Joan Luby, MD, the Samuel and Mae S. Ludwig Professor of Child Psychiatry at the School of Medicine, offers advice to parents on what they can say to their children who are expressing anxiety or sadness.
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