WashU Expert: More must be done to address opioid crisis

WashU Expert: More must be done to address opioid crisis

Opioids, including heroin and prescription drugs, killed more than 33,000 people in 2015, more than any year on record, according to the CDC. President Trump’s proposed budget aims to address the crisis with a $500 million increase in prevention and treatment, but it isn’t enough to address the issue, says an expert on substance use disorder treatment.
WashU Expert: Remembering Chuck Berry

WashU Expert: Remembering Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry, who died March 18, embodied the sound, attitude and mythology that defined the early days of rock and roll, says Patrick Burke, head of musicology in Arts & Sciences.
WashU Experts: Arts cuts could prove ‘dire … irreversible’

WashU Experts: Arts cuts could prove ‘dire … irreversible’

While President Trump’s proposed $970 million budget cuts in the arts and humanities account for less than one-tenth of a percent of savings in the administration’s $1.1 trillion federal budget plan, the effect could gut culture and diminish quality of life across the United States if not the world, say experts at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: Missouri SB 43 would weaken discrimination protections

WashU Expert: Missouri SB 43 would weaken discrimination protections

A bill pending in the Missouri Legislature would make it more difficult for workers who experience discrimination or lose their job because of whistleblowing to hold their employers responsible, says an expert on employment law at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: Hiring data creates risk of workplace bias

WashU Expert: Hiring data creates risk of workplace bias

American employers increasingly rely on large datasets and computer algorithms to decide who gets interviewed, hired or promoted. Pauline Kim, employment law expert, explains that when algorithms rely on inaccurate, biased or unrepresentative data, they may systematically disadvantage racial and ethnic minorities, women and other historically disadvantaged groups.
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