WashU Expert: Solar panel tariffs could cost Americans money, jobs

WashU Expert: Solar panel tariffs could cost Americans money, jobs

The solar development industry in Missouri is likely to take a particularly hard hit as a result of a recently announced import tariff on solar cells and panels, according to Phil Valko, assistant vice chancellor for sustainability at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: If you see signs of child abuse, report it

WashU Expert: If you see signs of child abuse, report it

David and Louise Turpin have been accused of abusing their 13 children for years inside their California home, a case that has captured international attention. What should you do to try to better recognize signs of abuse in your neighborhood? The bottom line: If you think a child is in danger or is being hurt, call a hotline, says a child abuse expert at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: We already have ‘baby bonds’

WashU Expert: We already have ‘baby bonds’

As economists float the proposal to give every U.S. newborn a “baby bond” account, Michael Sherraden, professor at the Brown School, says a solution already exists — Child Development Accounts, a policy concept first proposed in his groundbreaking 1991 book, “Assets and the Poor.”
WashU Expert: Incentivizing new uses for off-patent drugs

WashU Expert: Incentivizing new uses for off-patent drugs

Generic medications could be an effective way to improve health outcomes while lowering costs, but the existing drug patent system is poorly designed to motivate such discoveries, says an expert on health law at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: Energy alliances must be holistic, realistic

WashU Expert: Energy alliances must be holistic, realistic

In reaction to multiple countries — including Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Italy — announcing at the United Nations climate talks that they’re unifying to phase out coal-generated power by 2030, an environmental engineer at Washington University in St. Louis warned that a “mix of energy sources” is vital for the near future.
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