Carter receives ADA grant to study prenatal care for women at high risk for diabetes
Ebony Carter, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, won a $1.625 million five-year Pathway to Stop Diabetes® grant from the American Diabetes Association. Carter will use the funding for her clinical research project, titled “Targeted lifestyle change group prenatal care for obese women at high risk for gestational […]
Errando receives NASA grant to develop polymer actuators for X-ray optics
Manel Errando, research scientist and lecturer in physics in Arts & Sciences, received a $363,000 award from NASA in support of developing thin-film polymer actuators for high-resolution X-ray optics.
Parai receives grant to analyze noble gas isotopes in geological samples
Rita Parai, assistant professor of geochemistry in Arts & Sciences, received a $750,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration for a project titled “Seeing through the fission: Multi-modal analyses of actinides and noble gas isotopes in geological samples.”
School of Medicine researchers’ study recognized as a 2019 top 20 clinical research study
A study by Washington University School of Medicine researchers has been recognized as a 2019 top 20 clinical research study by the Clinical Research Forum, a nonprofit organization dedicated to boosting support for clinical research and its impact on health. Studies are chosen to highlight major advances in health and medicine due to the country’s investment in research. […]
Wencewicz receives award to collaborate on optimal opiate disposal project
Timothy Wencewicz, assistant professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences, received a $10,000 award from the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation to collaborate on a project seeking to identify optimal opiate disposal.
Bose receives award to research microbes’ interactions with charged surfaces
Arpita Bose, assistant professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, received a $7,500 award from the U.S. Army to support research on understanding how microbes interact with charged surfaces.
Feldman receives NIH grant to study urinary tract infections by bacteria
Mario Feldman, associate professor of molecular microbiology at the School of Medicine, received a five-year, $3.3 million grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study urinary tract infections caused by the bacterium Acinetobacter baumannii.
Nowak receives awards to study astrophysics
Michael Nowak, research professor of physics in Arts & Sciences, received $25,500 to collaborate with the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory on a project titled “Investigating new integral sources with Chandra.” Nowak also received $10,000 to work with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at California Institute of Technology on a project titled “Using NuSTAR to assess the mass, spin, distance, and FeLine of 4U […]
May receives grant to support equipping elementary teachers with STEM instructional materials
Victoria May, assistant dean in Arts & Sciences and executive director of the Institute for School Partnership, received $325,000 from Monsanto in support of scaling up the MySci program, which equips elementary school teachers with instructional materials and professional development opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). May also received a $50,000 grant from the Bellwether Foundation to […]
Li and Gross receive NIH grant to study footprints of human proteins in lipid membranes
Weikai Li, assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biophysics, along with Michael L. Gross, professor of chemistry in Arts & sciences and of immunology and medicine at the School of Medicine, received a four-year $1.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences for research titled “New chemical probes enable mass […]
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