Breathing dirty air may harm kidneys

Breathing dirty air may harm kidneys

Outdoor air pollution has long been linked to major health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A new study now adds kidney disease to the list, according to researchers at the School of Medicine and the Veterans Affairs (VA) St. Louis Health Care System.
Scanning for clues to our ancient past

Scanning for clues to our ancient past

The mummified remains of a 7-month-old baby boy and pieces of skull from two teenage Triceratops underwent computed tomography (CT) scans Sept. 16 at the School of Medicine, in hopes researchers could learn more about the ancient past.
Inside the Hotchner Festival: Scott Greenberg

Inside the Hotchner Festival: Scott Greenberg

In “Raindropped,” playwright Scott Greenberg, a senior in Arts & Sciences, explores the idea of falling from grace, both figuratively and literally. This weekend, “Raindropped” and two other student plays will receive their world premiere staged readings as part of Washington University in St. Louis’ annual A.E. Hotchner New Play Festival.
Jazz at Holmes resumes Sept. 21

Jazz at Holmes resumes Sept. 21

Legendary saxophonist Freddie Washington will launch Washington University in St. Louis’ fall Jazz at Holmes series Thursday, Sept. 21. The series will include 10 performances by locally and nationally known musicians, including Italian guitarist Filippo Cosentino and the university’s director of jazz performance, William Lenihan (pictured).
Disparities in educational experiences of black youth

Disparities in educational experiences of black youth

A more comprehensive picture of mental health that includes subjective well-being and other positive mental health characteristics could lead to more successful educational experiences among black youth, finds a recent study from Sean Joe, professor at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis.
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