Evaluating a next-gen learning management system

Evaluating a next-gen learning management system

Representatives of the two learning management systems under consideration to replace the current Blackboard platform at Washington University in St. Louis will be presenting demonstrations and open discussions for Danforth and Medical campus faculty, staff and student leaders Oct. 19 and 20 and Oct 26 and 27.
Barnes named Packard Fellow

Barnes named Packard Fellow

Jonathan Barnes, assistant professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, was among 18 leading young researchers across the United States honored Oct. 16 as a 2017 Packard Fellow.
Choosing between work and breastfeeding in Haiti

Choosing between work and breastfeeding in Haiti

New mothers in poor urban communities may feel the necessity to work and have a measure of food security rather than trying to find the time and ability for exclusive breastfeeding, a health issue that could be rectified with social support, researchers from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis found in a study in Haiti.
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