Leggett: Teaching students to ‘live amongst difference’

Leggett: Teaching students to ‘live amongst difference’

Washington University Student Affairs and Residential Life leaders will lead a panel that explores ways to support students impacted by crises from natural disasters to racist propaganda. The panel, lead by Kawanna Leggett, executive director of residential life, is part of the annual Residential College Symposium.
A bit of a ‘quantum magic trick’

A bit of a ‘quantum magic trick’

Is there a faster way to determine a frequency? It turns out there is, in a new discovery published this week in Physical Review Letters by a collaboration between a Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Rochester.
Debate to highlight America’s changing role in the world

Debate to highlight America’s changing role in the world

In today’s political climate, American foreign policy is frequently a prime topic of discussion and, often, disagreement. This conversation will come to Washington University on Monday, Nov. 6 when some of the nation’s top minds will square off at a debate on the evolving role of the United States on the international stage.
Bouncing back

Bouncing back

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently awarded a team of researchers at Washington University in St. Louis a five-year, $1.6 million grant to develop a combined treatment option using drug treatment and physical therapy to better restore range of motion following injury.
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