Washington University responds to proposed tax legislation

Washington University responds to proposed tax legislation

Among the leaders expressing their concern about the proposed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is Mark S. Wrighton, chancellor of Washington University, who has written on behalf of the university to the 15 members of U.S. Congress representing Missouri and neighboring Illinois to urge them to work against several sections of the bill that would have a negative impact on students and their families, as well as university employees.
‘Reformation/Revolution’ concert Nov. 19

‘Reformation/Revolution’ concert Nov. 19

The Washington University Choirs will mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with a free concert featuring music from the Reformation era alongside songs drawn from more recent protest movements, such as the fights for women’s suffrage and African-American civil rights.
Taylor family establishes $10 million scholarship challenge

Taylor family establishes $10 million scholarship challenge

A $10 million commitment from Andrew Taylor, a life trustee at Washington University, and his wife, Barbara, will establish the Taylor Family Scholarship Challenge, which will match all new and increased gifts for undergraduate scholarships received by the conclusion of Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University on June 30, 2018, as well as pledges to be paid by June 30, 2023. 
Masters and Johnson to be honored through annual lecture

Masters and Johnson to be honored through annual lecture

The inaugural Masters and Johnson Annual Lecture, “The Beautiful Tension: Would Masters and Johnson Have Said Sex Is More Like Dancing or Digestion?” will be presented at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14, in the Clark-Fox Forum at Hillman Hall. Leonore Tiefer, founder of the New View Campaign, which opposes medicalization of sexuality, will deliver the talk.
Art, war and good intentions

Art, war and good intentions

Can art be separated from its cultural context? In “Kiss,” Chilean playwright Guillermo Calderon explores the power, empathy and sometimes difficult responsibilities of live theater. The Performing Arts Department in Arts & Sciences will present Calderon’s funny yet searing drama Nov. 16-19.
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