McKinley Avenue to close July 21-Sept. 23

From July 21 through Sept. 23, McKinley Avenue between Taylor Avenue and the Olin Circle will be closed to pedestrians, vehicles and shuttle bus traffic. The closure will allow for installation of an underground tunnel to connect the School of Medicine’s Environmental Health and Safety building, currently under construction, with the Scott McKinley Research Building, also under construction.

Fair Saint Louis reminder​

A nu​mber of operations at Washington University in St. Louis will experience disruptions as the 34th annual Fair Saint Louis​ takes place Thursday through Saturday, July 3-5, in Forest Park.​​​

Happy July 4th weekend

Because of the holiday, the Record will not be published Friday. The Record staff wishes everyone a safe and happy July 4th weekend!

New Shell and Farrell cafes open July 1

The Shell Café in the McDonnell Sciences Building and the Farrell Café in the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center on the School of Medicine campus will be closed June 27 and 30. The cafes will reopen July 1 under new management.

Miss the WUSTLnomics forums?

If you were unable to attend one of the recent WUSTLnomics forums or if you would like to watch the presentations made by Hank Webber, executive vice chancellor for Administration, and Barb Feiner, vice chancellor for Finance, again, visit for a video of the forum. Visit for more information about the university’s efficiency efforts.
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