Student workers available for spring semester

​Could your department use a student employee this semester? If so, the U.S. Department of Education will pay half of an eligible student worker’s wages. Contact Student Financial Services​ to post your job on the SFS website. James McDonald, Student Employment Programs assistant director, said qualified student workers are available to fill jobs at the […]

Town hall planned tomorrow on TAMPITI trial

A town hall meeting will be held to discuss the TAMPITI trial and the importance of research in emergency medicine. The meeting is scheduled from 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6, in the North Building’s Moore Auditorium on the Medical Campus.

New shuttle routes begin Nov. 30

Now that most roadwork at Washington University Medical Center has been completed, the shuttle buses have been rerouted and renamed to accommodate employees. The new routes will begin Nov. 30. The buses now will be identified with a name instead of by a color.

Food drive on campus Nov. 13

Adjunct faculty members at Washington University in St. Louis and the Student Worker Alliance are holding a food drive Nov. 13 to benefit the Gateway 180 shelter and the St. Patrick Center. Canned goods and fruits and vegetables that will keep, such as apples and potatoes, are welcome, along with personal care items. Donations may be dropped off in the Brookings Hall archway between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13.

​BrookingsExecutive Education approved for VA benefits​​​

Brookings Executive Education provides public and private sector leaders with relevant education in support of their professional and personal goals. A partnership between the Brookings Institution and Olin Business School, BEE recently was approved for extended VA benefits. That now allows veterans to use GI Bill funding to pursue a Certificate of Public Leadership, Certificate of Policy Strategy or a Congressional Fellowship.

WUPD holds its ‘Don’t be in the Dark’ safety program

On the first Monday after the end of daylight saving time, the Washington University Police Department holds its “Don’t be in the Dark” safety program. The program, in its 10th year, serves to educate students about safety tips while walking after dark.

School of Medicine Dean’s Updates are Nov. 12, 13

Larry J. Shapiro, MD, executive vice chancellor for medical affairs and dean of the School of Medicine, will host the annual Dean’s Update for all School of Medicine employees Nov. 12 and 13.

Wright to deliver 2015 Homer G. Phillips Public Health Lecture

John A. Wright, PhD, author and historian, will speak at the 20th annual Homer G. Phillips Public Health Lecture Series at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis on Oct. 23. The title of his talk is “Homer G. Phillips and the Ville: Celebrating the Legacy.”

Siteman adopting new system for clinical trials management

Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine is adopting a new system to help maximize and streamline its clinical trials management and data collection. Elements of the new system will go live later this month, with the entire system expected to be online in January.

Forum to focus on university’s diversity, inclusion efforts

All members of the Washington University in St. Louis community are invited to take part in a forum discussion at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9, that will focus on the university’s ongoing diversity and inclusion efforts. A key topic will be the report and recommendations from the Steering Committee for Diversity & Inclusion. The event will be held at the Clark-Fox Forum in Hillman Hall.
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