Emergency communication system to be tested Sept. 16

Emergency communication system to be tested Sept. 16

Washington University will test its emergency communication system at noon Monday, Sept. 16. These tests ensure the university can effectively communicate with the community in an emergency. The test will take place unless there is the potential for severe weather or another emergency is occurring at that time.

Happenings at WashU calendar debuts

We’ve developed a new and improved calendar system that has great visuals and better functionality. The calendar allows you to search by interest or department; simply add events to your personal calendar; and share upcoming events with your circle of friends and colleagues.

Share your feedback on provost search

Members of the university community are invited to offer their ideas and suggestions to help inform the search for Washington University’s next provost. Visit Chancellor Martin’s website to learn more and take a brief survey.

Change to class start times to go into effect

Effective fall 2019, the start and end times for day classes on the Danforth Campus will be observed “as listed” (i.e., as published in Course Listings) with the transition time between classes taking place at the end of the published time, instead of at the beginning of the published time.

East End Parking Facility now available

The East End Parking Facility has opened. Through Wednesday, July 31, employees with valid fiscal year 2019 red, yellow and ParkSmart permits can use the facility. Beginning Aug. 1, employees with a fiscal 2020 Zone 1 parking permit will have access to the garage, Parking and Transportation Services said. 

Summer volunteers needed for Burning Kumquat

The Burning Kumquat, a student-run organic garden on the South 40, seeks volunteers to help with upkeep (and harvest the produce) while many students are gone for the summer. To learn more, stop by the Burning Kumquat between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. any Wednesday in June. 

Apply to join information literacy group

University Libraries and the Gephardt Institute are co-sponsoring an information literacy learning community, which will be held Aug. 12-15 on the Danforth Campus. Interested faculty should apply by June 17.
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