Washington University wins award for emergency communications project
Washington University in St. Louis received a prestigious award from ACUTA, a nonprofit group serving information technology professionals at higher education institutions. ACUTA awarded WUSTL an Institutional Excellence in Communications Technology Award this year. Pictured is Matt Arthur, Information Services & Technology director of media services and incident communications solutions.
Medical Center summer concert to be held Aug. 24
Washington University Medical Center faculty, staff and students will perform a summer concert Aug. 24 in the lobby of the Center for Advanced Medicine.
A chance to explore the hottest research topic in St. Louis
The International Society of Photosynthesis
Research, meeting this August in St. Louis, is offering an afternoon of
talks and demonstrations about the original “green” chemistry invented
by bacteria and plants and its relevance to our energy future. Intended for teachers, students and the public, “Photosynthesis in
our Lives” will take place from 3- 5 p.m. the afternoon of Sunday,
August 11, 2013 in the Parkview room at the Hyatt Regency at the Arch. RSVP to: http://parc.wustl.edu/outreachRSVP by August 7, 2013.
Bear Necessities holds summer sale for staff, faculty
Bear Necessities is offering a summer sale for WUSTL staff and faculty Aug. 2-4. Save on sales tax during tax-free weekend and buy one sale item and get one free.
Celebrate Kathleen Brickey’s life at Aug. 30 ceremony
Join friends and colleagues next month in a celebration of the life of Kathleen F. Brickey, James Carr Professor of Criminal Jurisprudence. A ceremony and reception will be held at 4 p.m. Aug. 30 in Anheuser-Busch Hall’s Bryan Cave Moot Courtroom.
PXSTL Public Charrette Tuesday, July 30
The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts and the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University invite the St. Louis public to meet three finalists in PXSTL — a collaborative design-build competition that will transform a vacant lot in the heart of Grand Center — on Tuesday, July 30. Shown is “Lighthearted,” an installation by Freecell Architecture, one of the finalists.
WUSTL Special Collections launches online resource on William Gass
An Olin Library exhibition, titled William H. Gass: The Soul Inside the Sentence, ends July 31. But a newly launched digital version of the exhibit allows for ongoing exploration of a wide-ranging selection of the esteemed writer’s drafts, interviews, photographs and more. A gallery talk will be held at 9 a.m. Friday, July 19, in Olin Library’s Ginkgo Reading Room, providing a guided tour of the in-person exhibition.
School supply drive runs through Aug. 7
Washington University School of Medicine again is sponsoring its annual school supply drive to benefit Adams Elementary School students. The school supply drive runs from July 15-Aug. 7. A list of suggested items is below.
Apply to the Civic Engagement Fund by Aug. 2
The Civic Engagement Fund supports civic engagement and
community service projects throughout the year. Undergraduate,
graduate, professional students, alums, faculty and staff are eligible
to apply. Grants are available for both individuals and groups.
Applications are due Aug. 2.
Evens to chair National Library of Medicine Board
Ronald Evens, MD, professor of radiology at the School
of Medicine and of medical economics at the Olin Business School, has
been appointed chairman of the Board of Regents for the National Library
of Medicine.
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