Synthetic data mimics real patient data, accurately models COVID-19 pandemic

Synthetic data mimics real patient data, accurately models COVID-19 pandemic

Research led by the School of Medicine has demonstrated that analyzing synthetic data generated from real COVID-19 patients accurately replicates the results of the same analyses conducted on the real patient data. The school has been a national leader in deploying and evaluating technology for the production of synthetic data, which is key for data-sharing collaborations.
Child Behavioral Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

Child Behavioral Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

Towards Evidence Generation and Policy Development

Countries in sub-Saharan Africa have experienced considerable political and social instability. They also have the highest rates of HIV/AIDS and malaria globally, resulting in a myriad of physical and cognitive consequences for young people. The burden of mental health problems among children and adolescents in Africa is significant, and the treatment gap in mental health […]
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