New opt-out proposal a ‘live and let live solution’ for contraception mandate
The Obama administration has proposed letting
religiously affiliated non-profit businesses and institutions opt-out of
the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act. “The Obama
administration has bent over backward to accommodate the concerns of
some religiously affiliated businesses,” says Elizabeth Sepper, JD,
health law expert and professor of law at Washington University In St.
Service award nominations sought by Feb. 28
If you have a coworker in the School of Medicine who deserves recognition for what he or she does, consider nominating that person for this year’s Dean’s Distinguished Service Award, the highest honor awarded to a medical school staff member.
New shuttle service to DeBaliviere area
Beginning Monday, Feb. 4, there will be a new WUSM ride-home service, offering students and employees free transportation to their homes in the DeBaliviere Place and Skinker/DeBaliviere/Parkview neighborhoods. The white, 15-passenger vans operated by Veolia Transportation will depart from the Olin Circle on the hour and half-hour from 5 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Mondays through […]
Antibiotics cut death rates for malnourished kids
Severely malnourished children are far more likely to recover and survive when given antibiotics along with a therapeutic peanut-butter based food than children who are treated with the therapeutic food alone, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found. Indi Trehan, MD, the study’s lead author, shows parents in Malawi how to measure medication.
Gut microbes at root of severe malnutrition in kids
A study of young twins in Malawi, in sub-Saharan Africa, finds that bacteria living in the intestine are an underlying cause of a form of severe acute childhood malnutrition.
Obituary: Todd H. Wasserman, MD, professor emeritus, 66
Todd H. Wasserman, MD, professor emeritus of radiation oncology at the School of Medicine, died Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013, after a long illness. Wasserman, 66, made important contributions to the field of radiation oncology.
Medical musical talents exhibited at annual winter concert
Several of the School of Medicine’s musically talented students, faculty and staff recently performed their second annual winter concert in the lobby of the Center for Advanced Medicine. Shown are laboratory technician Rowan Karvas on clarinet and graduate student Mo Lee on piano in a performance of Paul Jeanjean’s “Arabesques.”
Cheng, Ross receive Goldstein teaching awards
Steven Cheng, MD, and Will Ross, MD, have received the 2012 Samuel R. Goldstein Leadership Awards in Medical Student Education.
Altering eye cells may one day restore vision
Doctors may one day treat some forms of blindness by altering the genetic program of the light-sensing cells of the eye, according to School of Medicine scientists. Working in mice with a disease that causes gradual blindness, the researchers reprogrammed the cells in the eye that enable night vision.
Longer Life Foundation seeks applications for funding in 2013
The Longer Life Foundation, a joint enterprise of the School of Medicine and the Reinsurance Group of America, is seeking applications for funding in 2013.
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