Some brain cells are better virus fighters
Viruses often spread through the brain in patchwork
patterns, infecting some cells but missing others. New research at the School of Medicine helps explain why: Natural immune defenses that resist viral
infection are turned on in some brain cells but switched off in others. The white arrows in the picture highlight infected cells in a mouse brain.
New clues to causes of peripheral nerve damage
Although peripheral neuropathies afflict some 20 million Americans, their underlying causes are not completely understood. Now, scientists have shown that damage to energy factories in Schwann cells, which grow alongside neurons and enable nerve signals to travel from the spinal cord to the tips of the fingers and toes, may play a central role. Shown is a Schwann cell surrounding nerve axons, shown in green.
Human Connectome Project releases major data set on brain connectivity
The Human Connectome Project, a five-year endeavor to
link brain connectivity to human behavior, has just released a set of
high-quality imaging and behavioral data to the scientific community. Shown is a map of the average “functional connectivity” in the human cerebral cortex, collected on healthy subjects while “at rest” in the MRI scanner.
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland honors Dacey
Ralph. G. Dacey Jr., the Henry G. and Edith R. Schwartz Professor and chair of the Department of Neurological Surgery at Washington University, has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He traveled to Dublin earlier this month to receive the honor.
Some medical center shuttle routes altered due to construction
Due to Shriners Hospital construction, some changes have been made regarding Washington University Medical Center’s purple, green and red shuttles.
Cameras in CWE and on Medical Campus among new security steps taken
Ninety-one security cameras are being installed in the Central West End, 60 of which will be funded by the Washington University Medical Center. An additional 42 such cameras will be installed throughout the medical campus. The cameras are part of ongoing security efforts that also include more bike patrols.
St. Louis chapter of National Association of Health Services Executives to meet March 21
The St. Louis chapter of the National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE) will have its inaugural meeting March 21 in the hearth area on the second floor of the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center. A networking reception will be held from 5:30 to 6 p.m, and the meeting from 6-7 p.m. The meeting is […]
Berg shares infectious enthusiasm for science across disciplines
Douglas Berg, PhD, soon-to-be professor emeritus of molecular microbiology, establishes collaborations across disciplines.
Study may explain why some people get pimples
In a boon for teenagers everywhere, scientists have discovered there are “bad” strains of acne bacteria associated with pimples and “good” strains that may protect the skin.
Majority of Missouri tan salons allow preteens
A survey of tanning salon operators in Missouri shows that 65 percent would allow children as young as 10 to 12 years old to use tanning beds. That’s despite evidence that any tanning bed use increases the risk of all skin cancers, including melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, later in life.
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