Deadly viruses focus of $18 million grant

In an effort to learn why some viruses such as influenza, Ebola and West Nile are so lethal, a team of U.S. researchers plans an $18.3 million comprehensive effort to model how humans respond to these viral pathogens. Participants include Washington University’s Michael Diamond, a West Nile expert.

University will anchor new CORTEX building

​Washington University will be the anchor tenant in a $73 million laboratory and research facility projected to open at the end of the year in the CORTEX bioscience district. Pictured is Hank Webber, executive vice chancellor for administration,​ who described the University’s role in the new building at a recent event there.

Older adult clumsiness linked to brain changes

For many older adults, the aging process seems to go hand-in-hand with an annoying increase in clumsiness. New research from Washington University in St. Louis suggests some of these reaching-and-grabbing difficulties may be caused by changes in the mental frame of reference that older adults use to visualize nearby objects.

Pretesting cervical tumors could inform treatment

Doctors at the School of Medicine have shown that testing cervical tumors before treatment for vulnerability to chemotherapy predicts whether patients will do well or poorly with standard treatment. The study supports the future possibility of personalized medicine for cervical cancer, a tumor normally addressed with a one-size-fits-all approach. Pictured is a cervical tumor visible on a PET/CT scan.
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