Washington University part of group awarded $20 million for climate variability research
As part of a multi-institutional $20 million effort, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis will conduct several studies, including one that uses medical imaging on plants to see what’s broken or about to break inside (pictured). Four university researchers will receive funding from the National Science Foundation to support work aimed at helping Missouri plants and crops adapt to climate variability.
Washington People: Susan Bayliss
Susan Bayliss, MD, is director of pediatric dermatology at the School of Medicine. She uses humor and kindness in connecting with her patients. Most of them are in the St. Louis region, but she also treats children she meets while on medical missions overseas. Wherever she is, her passion for her work is evident.
Vandeventer Avenue exit re-opens
The Vandeventer Avenue exit from eastbound Interstate 64/Highway 40 will reopen about noon Friday, Aug. 8.
Study reveals one reason brain tumors are more common in men
New research at the School of Medicine helps explain why brain tumors occur more often in males and frequently are more harmful than similar tumors in females. Pictured is the study’s senior author, Joshua Rubin, MD, PhD.
Wahl to become head of radiology
Richard L. Wahl, MD, has been named the Elizabeth E. Mallinckrodt Professor and head of radiology at the School of Medicine. He also will serve as director of the
Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology.
Unintended consequences: More high school math, science linked to more dropouts
Washington University researchers have found that courses intended to better prepare high school graduates for college also drive some students to drop out. They report that policies increasing the number of required math and science courses are linked to a higher dropout rate.
Birth weight and breastfeeding have implications for children’s health decades later, study finds
Young adults who were breastfed for three months or more as babies have a significantly lower risk of chronic inflammation associated with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, according to research from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis.
Wash U Expert: States should have some power over criminal laws of marijuana
A bill introduced July 28 in the U.S. House of
Representatives would amend the controlled substances act – the federal
law that criminalizes marijuana – to exempt plants with an extremely low
level of THC, the part of marijuana that makes users high. Following closely on the heels of a call by the New York Times editorial board for the federal government to legalize marijuana, this could mark a turning point of sorts in the campaign for legalization. Gregory
P. Magarian, professor of law, sees two reasons for leaving states with some power over the criminal law of marijuana.
Many depressed preschoolers still suffer in later school years
Children diagnosed with depression as preschoolers are likely to suffer from depression as school-age children and young adolescents, research shows. Depressed preschoolers were 2.5 times more likely to suffer from depression in later school years than children who were not depressed at very young ages, according to School of Medicine researchers.
Corcoran named assistant dean for finance
Mary Corcoran has been named assistant dean for finance at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Her appointment, which marks her return to the university after six years at Stanford University, is effective Aug. 21.
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