‘Mars, Venus or Planet Earth?’
Michael Kimmel, Ph.D., a leading expert in the study of American male identity and behavior, will give a talk on “Mars, Venus or Planet Earth? Women and Men in a New Millennium” as part of the Assembly Series. The talk, which is free and open to the public, will be held at 11 a.m. Feb. 28 in Graham Chapel.
Renowned African-American historian to be visiting scholar
Robin D.G. Kelley, Ph.D., one of the country’s pre-eminent scholars in African-American history, will serve as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the University Feb. 28-March 1. Kelley, who is professor of history and American studies and ethnicity at the University of Southern California, is a leading scholar of the modern civil rights movement, jazz studies and African-American music and culture.
Dred Scott case revisited
To commemorate the sesquicentennial of the infamous 1857 Supreme Court decision, the University is hosting a national symposium on “The Dred Scott Case and Its Legacy: Race, Law and the Struggle for Equality” March 1-3.
Pre-eminent African-American studies historian to serve as Distinguished Visiting Scholar
Robin D.G. Kelley, Ph.D., one of the country’s pre-eminent scholars in African-American history, will serve as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Washington University Feb. 28-March 1. During his visit, he will give two public talks. Kelley, who is professor of history and American studies and ethnicity at the University of Southern California (USC), is a leading scholar of the modern civil rights movement, jazz studies and African-American music and culture.
Missouri Supreme Court chief justice gives Dred Scott symposium keynote address
Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael A. Wolff will deliver the keynote address for the national symposium “The Dred Scott Case and Its Legacy: Race, Law and the Struggle for Equality.” The lecture, part of the Assembly Series, takes place at 4 p.m. March 1 in Graham Chapel.
Older men needed for study of exercise and testosterone therapy
Investigators at the School of Medicine are expanding an ongoing study of the effects of combining exercise training with hormone therapy to improve physical function and quality of life in men 65 years of age and older.
How gender influences negotiations is topic of public forum, March 5
Linda Babcock, co-author of “Women Don’t Ask: Negotiations and the Gender Divide,” will discuss her book and research in a community forum on “societal factors that hold women back from asking for what they want” that runs from 7 – 8:30 p.m. March 5 in the Bryan Cave Moot Courtroom, Anheuser Busch Hall, Danforth Campus of Washington University.
Mars, Venus, or Planet Earth? Assembly Series speaker examines male/female relationships
Michael Kimmel, a leading expert in the study of American male identity and behavior, will give a talk on “Mars, Venus, or Planet Earth? Women and Men in a New Millennium,” as part of the Assembly Series. The talk, which is free and open to the public, will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, February 28 in Graham Chapel, on Washington University’s Danforth campus. Co-sponsored by the WUSTL student group, Reflections.
The psychology of learning
Photo by David KilperLeonard Green plays tough with students and leaves a lasting impression
Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Discusses Dred Scott Case at Assembly Series
Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael A. Wolff will present “Race, Law, and the Struggle for Equality: Missouri Law, Politics and the Dred Scott Case,” the keynote address for the 150th anniversary symposium covering the Dred Scott Case.
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