U.S. health care system headed for perfect storm

“We are headed into a time when a confluence of changes are going to lead to a perfect storm, making us finally realize that our health care system needs a major overhaul,” says Timothy D. McBride, Ph.D., leading health economist and professor of social work at Washington University in St. Louis. “As the elderly population doubles between now and about 2030, projections are that we will see at least a doubling of the costs of the federal and state health and retirement programs,” he says. “That will likely be when the perfect storm hits. But if we miss it then, we will likely have missed all the storm clouds for the foreseeable future.”

Russia views U.S. missile defense in Poland as antagonistic, says expert

James WertschRussia’s leaders and its population tend to view current developments in Poland through the lens of a basic Russian national narrative that focuses on Russia as a target of invasion by foreign enemies, claims James V. Wertsch, an expert on post-Soviet democracy movements at Washington University in St. Louis. Wertsch was interviewed on this subject and on the Georgia/Russian conflict recently on KMOX radio. The interview is available here.

WUSTL Students to attend national conventions

Senior Hana Greenberg and junior Scott Friedman, both in Arts & Sciences, will gain an inside look at the U.S. political process by participating in a Washington Center educational program focused on the election year. As part of the program, Greenberg will attend the Democratic National Convention in Denver while Friedman will travel to Minneapolis to attend the Republican National Convention. Both will receive media credentials through Student Life, the University’s student newspaper, to have access to exclusive events at the conventions.

WUSTL Students to attend national conventions

Senior Hana Greenberg and junior Scott Friedman, both in Arts & Sciences, will gain an inside look at the U.S. political process by participating in a Washington Center educational program focused on the election year. As part of the program, Greenberg will attend the Democratic National Convention in Denver while Friedman will travel to Minneapolis to attend the Republican National Convention. Both will receive media credentials through Student Life, the University’s student newspaper, to have access to exclusive events at the conventions.

‘Couch potato’ peels away weight

By Sarah Conard, *St. Louis Post-Dispatch*Maria Littrell works out.A few days after gastric bypass surgery, Maria Littrell found herself in the grocery, choosing which type of baby food to buy — for herself. Before the operation, Littrell honored her Sicilian heritage by eating pasta — a lot of it, and often. After struggling with her weight for 20 years, Littrell had gastric bypass surgery in September. The surgery reduces the size of the stomach and allows food to bypass part of the small intestine.

Electoral system imposes formidable barriers to minor parties and drives politics to the center, says election law expert

Magarian”Minor political parties’ inability to gain traction in the United States does not reflect natural facets of our national character,” says Gregory P. Magarian, election law expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis, home of the 2008 vice presidential debate. “Rather, our legal system imposes formidable barriers to minor parties’ electoral viability. The use of plurality voting (the candidate with the most votes gets the only prize) and single-member districts in congressional and most state legislative elections drives voters to coalesce around only two electoral options, marginalizing any candidate who lacks a major-party brand.” Magarian is available to discuss general election law and electoral system issues.

New book further supports controversial theory

Despite popular theories to the contrary, early humans evolved not as aggressive hunters, but as prey of many predators. “Humans are no more born to be hunters than to be gardeners,” argues Robert W. Sussman, Ph.D., professor of anthropology in Arts & Sciences, in the newly-updated version of the controversial book “Man the Hunted: Primates, Predators and Human Evolution.”

Anorexia study focuses on family therapies

Anorexia can be a nightmare for an entire family. Immediate family members can also play crucial roles helping an anorexic patient attempt to recover. Considering all the familial factors of the disease, researchers at the School of Medicine are recruiting families to help evaluate two family-oriented therapies.
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